понеділок, 18 квітня 2016 р.

Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow reaffirms support for Ukraine at Kyiv Security Forum

Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow reaffirms support for Ukraine at Kyiv Security Forumhttp://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_129961.htm
In Bezug auf die russisch annektierte Krim und auf den russisch besetzten Donbass wird vielfach von den Tatsachen unbeirrt weiter von "Rebellen" oder "Separatisten" geredet, die in einen "Bürgerkrieg" verwickelt seien.
Dabei weiß man bei der NATO sehr wohl besser Bescheid, wie vor wenigen Tagen der stellvertretende NATO-Generalsekretär Alexander Vershbow bei dem "Sicherheitsforum" in Kyiw deutlich machte, über das in westlichen Medien überhaupt nicht berichtet wurde. Leider hat selbst die NATO in ihrer Meldung dazu die einschlägigen Aussagen in Vershbows Redebeitrag nicht erwähnt:
... die man im Manuskript des Beitrags findet, wo er feststellt, dass der Donbass "russisch besetzt" ist und dort eine "direkte Beteiligung von russischen Truppen und Kommandeuren" zu sehen sei.
"And the conditions in Russian-occupied areas of Eastern Ukraine are even worse, with crumbling infrastructure, rampant corruption, and flagrant violations of human rights by the separatist leaders Moscow has installed. ...
Russia continues to provide active support for the illegal insurgency in Eastern Ukraine – with military equipment, training and financial resources, and with the direct involvement of Russian troops and commanders. Its efforts to camouflage these troops as “volunteers” and “vacationers,” and to suppress information about casualties, are laughable."
Noch konkreter wiederholte Vershbow diese Angaben in einem Fernsehinterview mit dem ukrainischen Sender TSN:
"NATO has information of Russian military presence in the Donbas.
As reported by Censor.NET, this was announced by Deputy Secretary-General of NATO Alexander Vershbow in an interview to TSN.
According to him, both local forces, which are called "volunteers from Russia," and regular Russian troops are acting in the Donbas. Despite the fact that Russian military have taken off their insignia and made up call signs for themselves, NATO knows for sure from intelligence and social media that a lot of Russian military are currently deployed in the eastern Ukraine.
Vershbow said that the presence of Russian military in the Donbas looks as if the Kremlin is trying to aggravate the situation even more. He listed usage of heavy weapons and the cease-fire violations by militants as a proof to that.
Deputy Secretary-General could not say whether it was a beginning of another military campaign or a pressure tactics used for influencing the political situation inside Ukraine."
Ein zusammenfassender Bericht über das Sicherheitsforum findet sich bei Informnapalm: https://informnapalm.org/

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